Was Rachel Green's Nose Job In Friends Inspired By Real Life?

Rachel's nose job on Friends was all the time type of a famous topic or within funny story, just as much as "fat Monica", Ross's permed mullet, and Chandler's Flock of Seagulls inspired haircut. They all had one thing embarrassing about themselves in the hilarious flashback scenes. But may just Rachel's nose job had been inspired by real life?
Rachel was at all times conscious of her big nose, however she claims she best were given her nose performed on account of a "deviated septum," which is much more likely a fabrication than an excuse. According to the display, Rachel got her nose achieved when she was a youngster, in 1988, as she mentions in the episode, "The One With the Prom Video." But everybody saw past her lie and knew she handiest had it carried out to seem prettier. Her sister Amy later exposes her and says, "Do you ever worry that Emma's going to get your real nose?" Of path this was a sound worry of hers.
But was the decision to incorporate Rachel's nose drama in the display a reflection of real life? Friends fans will know that Jennifer Aniston has had a nose job identical to her character. She reportedly had a nose job to proper a deviated septum in her 20s sooner than she debuted on Friends.
"Jennifer has previously spoken openly about having a Rhinoplasty (often referred to as a nose job) to correct a deviated septum in her twenties," a spokesperson from MYA Cosmetic Surgery informed the Mirror. "This surgery could explain the change in Jennifer’s nose but we believe she may have asked for a slender more natural bridge and tip, making it a cosmetic Rhinoplasty. The result of the procedure is very natural and still in keeping with the natural proportions of her face."
Aniston is also reported to having her nose done again after she broke up with ex-husband Brad Pitt, and she had it for a similar reasons Rachel lied about having hers, a deviated septum. In 2007, Anniston had a Rhinoplasty to help right kind her deviated septum again, almost definitely because of respiring problems.
"Due to breathing problems, individuals may suffer from sleeping problems," plastic surgeon Joseph Russo explained the respiring issues caused by a deviated spetum on his website. "A common example is sleep apnea. A sleep condition can affect the patency of an individual’s airways. When left untreated, it could lead to the blocking or closing up of a person’s airflow. Various treatments can be done at home, yet a corrective or revision rhinoplasty can help treat much of the problem."
"It’s funny. I had [a deviated septum] fixed – best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years," Aniston told People in 2007, after what seemed like her 3rd nose surgery. "Short of letting everybody have a feel, I don't know what else to do. I really am pretty happy with what God gave me."
Whether Aniston's nose job was inspired by Rachel Green's nose job or no longer, this is a surprisingly identical state of affairs to her character's. It could be likely that Aniston's first nose job happened because, similar to her character, she didn't like the glance of her nose. It could be true, though, as a result of there are different in-side jokes that the show has slid in concerning real-life things in Aniston's life.
Remember when Joey and Chandler rode into Monica and Rachel's condo on that hideous white canine statue after they received the rental in a bet? Aniston owned that statue in real life, she got it from a pal when she was solid on the hit show, and let the manufacturing corporate have it.
Then in the episode the place Monica and Chandler are getting married, Rachel has to seek out anyone to officiate the marriage, and happens upon a Greek wedding. Aniston is Greek in real life and her grandfather changed their circle of relatives name from Anastasakis to Aniston. In the show, one of the vital names of the couple is Anastassakis, they added an 's' to Aniston's unique surname.
Along with additionally including an episode featuring Aniston's real-life husband on the time, Brad Pitt, Rachel's contract with L’Oréal is mentioned in a slight conversation Joey has with the mother of an actress he fell in love with. He calls her asking for Jennifer however gets her mom and says, "Oh, well I kinda need to talk to you too, Mrs. L’Oréal."
So the references to Aniston's life have cropped up here and there in the show and handiest real Aniston fans would get them. So if Aniston's real-life nose job was referenced throughout the show, it wouldn't be hard to believe. They must have had an entire episode devoted to it called, "The One With The Nose Job."