Jennifer Connelly Described Working With Jared Leto As "Volatile"

Jared Leto has more or less a reputation in Hollywood of being... smartly... difficult. Mostly as a result of he completely loses himself in his characters. Jared is a technique actor, thru and through and it's most probably why his performances have been heralded the way they have.
Given that he is performed some slightly complicated and annoying characters, some of his onset conduct has gotten him into trouble. While a lot of his co-stars have said both positive and negative things about his taste of performing, his refusal to break character whilst making a movie has gotten him into trouble in the press. Especially when he sent 'gifts' to his Suicide Squad co-stars.
One of Jared's maximum underrated roles was once his deep-dive into the thoughts and body of an addict in Darren Aronofsky's 2000s movie Requiem For A Dream. Given that Jared once shoved a casting director all through an audition to stick in character, one can handiest believe what he would've been like while if truth be told making a film about anyone who has been totally taken over by way of medicine. According to Jared's Requiem For A Dream co-star, Jennifer Connelly, he could be fairly "volatile". But that is not all the story...
Jared Leto Went Full Method Actor On Requiem For A Dream
During an oral history of Requiem For A Dream by Vulture in honor of the movie's 20th anniversary, the solid and director Darren Aronofsky went into detail about the best way Jared labored on set.
"Jared definitely has a very method technique, and he really wanted to dive into the world of addicts and stuff," Darren claimed.
According to Jared Leto himself, he did everything he may as a way to upload extra authenticity to the role. "It’s a film that demanded that," he said. "So I spent time with a group of people in the East Village, many of whom are no longer alive — they lost their battles to addiction. They were very supportive and helpful and generous with their time and their experiences and there were nights that I spent basically homeless."
His co-stars Jennifer Connelly and Marlon Wayans did an identical things. They spend a lot of time with addicts speaking about heroin addictions and actually seeking to perceive a voice this is so steadily disregarded by way of society. It was heavy paintings. But it was a heavy movie, and they had to do it justice. But whilst they all were mentally and emotionally invested of their characters, Jared became bodily invested.
While Jared claimed that nobody compelled him to lose weight for any movie he is ever finished he did end up shedding a ton of weight, similar to what he did for his Academy Award-winning movie, Dallas Buyers Club.
"It was my idea [to lose weight], and I thought that given the circumstances, given my own personal experiences around addiction and addicts, it was appropriate, physically, that he’d be in that place. I also thought that if I lost a lot of weight and was restricting my food intake, that would put me in a place of constant craving. I thought that was a good place to be," Jared explained.
While Jennifer did not pass full approach actor for her position as Marion Silver, she did stay Jared's energy on the movie with a view to give the mission more weight. Marlon Wayans, then again, would funny story before and after takes. While he could remove himself emotionally, Jared and Jennifer couldn't and this could lead to some tension.
The Truth About Jared Leto And Jennifer Connelly's Working Relationship
"Our working relationship was good. It was at times slightly volatile — which I think was part of our characters and what they were going through at the time. It was sort of conveniently volatile during the volatile scenes, which was probably more of a reflection of our youth," Jennifer admitted in her interview with Vulture.
Adding to this ceaselessly "volatile" yet powerful dynamic were the diversities in their coaching. Jared Leto came from a television background and learned how one can truly master a take by way of the second one or third try. Jennifer, then again, came from a film background and therefore took longer to really to find the performance that suited the script. In film there may be incessantly extra time to discover while, in tv, actors are expected to nail their scenes as quickly as conceivable due to manufacturing agenda demands.
"There’s a scene we shot, where Harry and Marion fight in Marion’s apartment, with a handheld camera," Matthew Libatique, the director of pictures, stated. "We shot it twice. Emotionally, Jared was really there between takes one and five, and Jennifer was better later. [Darren] comes to me one day. He’s like, 'I want to shoot that again. I’m going to shoot that scene again' I’m like, 'Are you kidding me? We don’t have the time to shoot that again.' And then I realized, he’s right. Because the actors needed a certain amount of time to be prepared for where they had to go."
For Jennifer, all of the enjoy of working with Jared's incredible other style as neatly as the heavy material was once challenging. As rewarding as she has claimed the experience used to be, she was also nursing a new child child on set. Meaning that she'd have to go from appearing in an utterly devastating or high-intensity scene with Jared to coddling and loving a demanding baby.
"It was a very strange, split world, because the reality of my life was so different from the reality of Marion’s life at that time," Jennifer said. "It was the beginning of having to learn to surrender to the moment and not hold on to something. I had to learn to do all of my work ahead of time, and then surrender to the scene in the moments that I was there and we were filming, because I wasn’t really able to walk around inhabiting someone else’s world."