Here's Why Jane Lynch's 'Glee' Role Was Close To Her Heart

Publish date: 2024-06-05

Actress Jane Lynch has played in some pretty hard-hitting roles. She's hilarious but can be serious when necessary (like every just right actor), but there's one more reason why she choices and chooses her roles, past what is a laugh or attention-grabbing to play.

In reality, the role on 'Glee' spoke to her, and she or he found the character of Sue Sylvester, one of many that fans miss most, so relatable for one specific explanation why.

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In an interview with Slate, Jane admitted that she's "drawn" to sure roles. She elaborated that even if, as the journalist stated, "nobody in real life is like Sue Sylvester," her inspiration does come from real other people and real life.

As Jane shared, she vibed with the nature of Sue as a result of she shared one of the vital same deeper motivations as her fictional counterpart. And that is a part of why she approved the role and in point of fact felt connected to the nature. Sure, there have been things that didn't make sense about 'Glee' as a whole, however Sue's character was surprisingly well-developed.

As Jane told EW "I have a quick temper... Now that I’ve had some therapy I know what this comes from: It’s protecting a soft heart." Sounds just a little like Sue, when fanatics remember the gymnasium teacher's past.

Lynch defined that the character's back tale, having a sister with Down syndrome, meant that "I [as Sue] took on this militaristic thing when, deep down inside, my heart was breaking for the vulnerability of my sister in this very cruel world."

Fans can see where Sue's character alludes to harm beneath her tricky external, despite the fact that as Lynch says, "but it’s a very thin veneer—about as thin as her track suit."

Like numerous other proficient actors, entering the mind of her personality is part of what makes Jane so great. But when Slate asked her whether "being Sue Sylvester" informed Sophie Lennon from 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," Jane said, yes, of course!

After all, Sue is "informed by way of" Jane Lynch, the actress noted, so of course, some of Jane Lynch will leak into Sophie.

In a proof of what Collider calls her "wild career adventure," Lynch also said that the reason she connected to her 'Glee' character was the same explanation for why she enjoys being a game show host.

After all, she likes to nurture people, as kind of a "caretaker," Jane admits. But then again, she also likes it when they leave at the end of an hour and her responsibilities as host and mentor are brought to an end!

NEXT: 'Glee' Star Jane Lynch Would Pick This Actor To Play Her In A Biopic
