10 Most Infamous Beauty Youtuber Breakups

If you’re partial to the YouTube beauty sphere, you’re most likely acutely aware of the near-constant preventing that comes out of the industry. With all the drama circulating the web, it’s arduous to understand whether or not it’s the tea or the tutorials that stay fans coming again. We’ve compiled a listing of the most infamous beauty guru fights to grace the front pages of YouTube and Twitter.
The extra perceptive amongst us may understand a common denominator between the feuds outlined in this list. See if you can figure out what (or who) it might be.
10 Jackie Ania and Jaclyn Hill
Back in 2019, Jacklyn Hill launched her ill-fated cosmetics logo. Fans reported discovering pieces of hair and plastic embedded in Jaclyn’s lipsticks and took to Twitter to announce their dissatisfaction. After the news of the tainted lipsticks went viral, Jaclyn’s former buddy Jackie Ania announced that she used to be cutting ties with Jaclyn.
Ania had this to say on the matter, “To be honest this yr ya’ll gonna to begin noticing I’m cool on a LOT of influencers 🤒you gained’t have to invite why because I’ll always keep it cordial/professional. I’m additionally no longer going to paint all with a foul brush because it’s no longer fair & there’s still a large number of good on this business."
9 Jackie Ania and Jeffree Star
When Jeffree Star made the decision to pose with his hair in cornrows to promote his Blood Lust cosmetics line, fans were quick to call him out for cultural appropriation. Jackie Ania used her platform to denounce Jeffree for this move and bring to light his past racism, "I've not and won't excuse his blatantly racist habits," Jackie wrote about Jeffree. "Not his past references to me in derogatory phrases, his persisted use of the N-word, nor his efforts to do away with spaces and alternatives for other folks of color."
This wasn’t the first time Jackie had spoken out again Jeffree’s racism and she continues to be a powerful voice in the fight against racism.
8 Jeffree Star, Jacklyn Hill, and KathleenLights
In 2017, Jaclyn Hill posted a series of drunk videos to her Instagram of her and beauty influencer KathleenLights. The two can be seen playing a VR video game when Kathleen suddenly uses the n-word in response to something happening in the game.
Kathleen can then be heard telling Jaclyn not to post the video which of course Jaclyn ended up doing. Always one to stir the pot, Jeffree Star took to Twitter to ask, “If you ask someone not to post something and they still do… What are the intentions?”. The tweet was deleted shortly after the feud.
7 Jeffree Star and Laura Lee
The feud between Jeffree Star and fellow beauty-tuber Laura Lee was one of the first major beauty guru scandals to hit the mainstream. Back in 2017, the feud kicked off when Jeffree threw shade at Lee via twitter calling theYoutuber Gabriel Zamora.
Shortly after the documentary’s premiere, Lee, Manny, Zamora, and Nikita Dragon posted a comeback picture to Twitter with the caption, “B*tch is bitter because without him we're doing better." When fanatics stuck on that the crowd’s photo was once directed at Jeffree, a slew of attacks had been hurled on the team. After Zamora spoke back via implying Jeffree was a racist, fans were quick to dig up old racist tweets from each and every member of Laura Lee’s staff’s previous.
6 Manny MUA and Gabriel Zamora
"Dramageddon" section 2. After previous tweets came to light pinning Gabriel Zamora, Manny MUA, and Laura Lee as racists, Zamora posted an apology video to YouTube wherein he said his resolution to put up his infamous group picture used to be made after hearing rumors about Star’s alleged remedy of Manny and Laura Lee.
Zamora claimed that he had since spoken to Star by the use of telephone and apologized for his proportion of the drama. The two soon made amends and Zamora publicly denounced his former friendship with Manny.
5 Jeffree Star and Manny MUA
The well-known feud between Jeffree Star and Manny MUA is the overall chapter of "Dramageddon". Shortly after Gabriel Zamora’s apology video, Manny uploaded his own apology entitled, "My reality check". Manny apologized to all the gang and said that he needed he may just go back in time and patch up his relationship with Star. "I didn't want Jeffree to get hurt or feel bullied in any way shape or form. Jeffree has done so much for me in my life. I would not be where I am today without Jeffree.” said a grief-stricken Manny.
Despite Manny’s sincerity, Jeffree turned down the apology by re-tweeting a not-so-nice message from a fan and saying, “This sums up my thoughts on his apology video. Now please stop asking me about it, I’m busy being happy lol <3.”
4 Jeffree Star and NikkieTutorials
While no one truly knows why Nikkie and Jeffree ended their friendship, the most popular rumor is that the pair’s relationship ended via a blowout on a yacht. Star wasn’t shy about publicly criticizing Nikkie for her preserved missteps, including her failure to callout Tarte for the lack of diversity in their Shape Tape shade range.
This rivalry might have a happy ending yet, as it seems like the duo may have put their disagreements to the side. Jeffree took to Twitter to praise Nikkie for her Grinch inspired makeup tutorial, and came to Nikkie’s defense when the two posted very similar videos only a few days apart. Most recently, Star expressed his congratulations after Nikkie posted her famous video coming out as a transgender woman.
3 James Charles, Jeffree Star, and Tati Westbrook
The feud to end all feuds. The tea kicked off when Tati uploaded a video accusing Charles of predatory sexual behavior after he hit on a straight waiter during Tati’s birthday dinner. Tati allegedly uploaded the video in retaliation for James promoting her competitor, Sugar Bear Hair on his Instagram. Not long after, Star jumped into the feud calling James a predator and a “danger to society.”
Charles lost millions of subscribers in a matter of days and it seemed like the teen’s career in the makeup industry might be over. A number of videos emerged coming to James’ defense, including a video from the waiter mentioned in Tati’s original video. Charles uploaded a video explaining his side of the story complete with a number of receipts, and it soon became clear that Tati and Jeffree had been less than truthful about the situation. Star and Tati issued their own apology videos, however, neither was received well by fans.
2 Shane Dawson and Tati Westbrook
After fans began holding Shane’s feet to the fire over racist and pedophilic jokes, Tati’s video explaining her side of "Dramageddon" made Shane’s situation even worse. Tati claimed that Shane knew her about her original “Bye Sister” video before it was posted and accused Shane and Jeffree Star of alerting news outlets to the upcoming drama.
Tati went on to say that Shane encouraged her to post the video despite Tati’s fears for James’ wellbeing. Shane’s fans were shocked at the allegations and many took to Twitter to express feelings of betrayal.
1 Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star
In the aftermath of Tati’s video, Shane posted a livestream where he was quite obviously in distress and indicated that Tati had crafted some of the arguments in her video. While Shane’s downward spiral was being documented for all to see, Jeffree seemed to disappear into thin air.
While Jeffree has not actually stated that he and Shane are no longer friends, his silence in the wake of this new "Dramageddon" is telling. Jeffree was most recently seen buying a luxury car in a now-viral video but has yet to comment on the current drama.